Reset a forgot AOL password

Reset a forgot AOL password

Can the item type icon not remember its password? Learn how to reset it so that you can re-enter your AOL account.
If you can not log in to your AOL account because you forgot your password, you can reset it to begin.

First, enter your username:

2. Enter your username
3. Click Next.
4. Click on I forgot my password.

You must verify the information in your account file before resetting your password. The verification options available to you depend on the recovery information retrieved for your account. If you follow the steps of the verification method below and you do not see it as an option, then it will not be available for your account and you will have to use a different option.

Send a verification code to your recovery phone number

Send a verification code to your recovery email address

Check your account security question and profile information

If you have followed the verification options available for your account, you can not reset your password and need more help, check our support options.


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