AOL Forgot your password ? Support Number | Call 1(844) | (964) | (2969

Forgot your password? Read our help article which explains how to reset the forgotten AOL password. Your password gives you access to your AOL account and services. Updating is a good idea 1. Log in to your account's security page. 2. Click Change Password. 3. Enter the new password that you want to use in the new password and to confirm the new password field. 4. Click Continue. 5. Click OK, I have it. Tips for creating a safe password A safe password is your first line of defense against intruders and impostors. Consider these tips while creating or updating your password • Use unique words: Do not use explicit words like "password". • 12 or more characters: Long passwords are more secure • Do not be clear: Do not use personal information such as your name, your AOL username, birthdays, etc. • Avoid frequent sequences or characters: Do not use adjacent characters on your keyboard (QWERTY). • Use a different password for each site: Otherwise, if ...